Robert Murphy

Director, Office of Veteran and Military Student Success and Center for Student Achievment | University of South Carolina Aiken

Mr. Robert A. Murphy is a graduate of the Darla Moore School of Business at University of SC, with a Master of Business Administration. He currently serves as the UofSC Aiken Director, Office of Veteran and Military Student Success. He served over 30 years in a myriad of international, national, and community-based positions. He is a military veteran with zeal, passion of quality leadership and team success, and is highly regarded as an expert in higher education, leadership, and winning teams.

America’s Warrior Partnership is committed to empowering communities to empower veterans. We fill the gaps between veteran service organizations by helping nonprofits connect with veterans, their families, and caregivers. Our programs bolster nonprofit efficacy, improving their results, and empowering their initiatives.

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