Dr. Natesha Smith-Isabell

Deputy Director, Education and Community Integration | James J. Peters Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Bronx NY, Mental Illness Research Education Clinical Center (MIRECC)

Natesha Smith-Isabell, Ph.D. is an Army veteran with over 12 years of experience in higher education, as a higher education administrator and faculty member. During that time, she was part of several veterans’ advisory councils and stood up the Office of Military and Veteran Student Services at the University of Louisville. She primarily worked in the areas of student transition, international service learning, career counseling, academic advising, and student conduct.

America’s Warrior Partnership is committed to empowering communities to empower veterans. We fill the gaps between veteran service organizations by helping nonprofits connect with veterans, their families, and caregivers. Our programs bolster nonprofit efficacy, improving their results, and empowering their initiatives.

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